Monday, October 17, 2005

Du’a or Don’t.

OK. Here. Holiest place. Pray. All requests welcome. So. OBW success? Pray? Why. Many people. Hindering. In front of me. Agggh. Patience. OBW success? Odd request. Think of. Types of events. Many events. Many people. Image flash. MC choice 1. No. I’m fasting. I’m fasting. Why did he pic blog it. I’m fasting. Patience. Should not waste. These cupped hands. Raised to heavens. OBW success? Has good intentions. Many people. Together. From everywhere. Image flash. MC choice 3. Aggggh. Internal mind’s eye. Burning. Why did he pic blog it. Focus. Focus. OBW success? Maybe not supplicate. Heh, good vocab. Arrogant. Don’t be. All requests welcome. Think of. The greatness. ONE. 1st meeting. Kicked off. With du’a. Good move. Berkat. Has good intentions. OK. OBW success. May it be. Patience. Pray. Still. Need usaha. Focus. Lot’s of work. To be done. Pray. Done.

This 5-second inner turmoil was brutally exaggerated and stretched out in bullet time by a trained professional and should under no circumstances be attempted or duplicated by any individual.

1 comment:

Mr Incognito said...

It's good enough if you could ask for no rain!