Monday, October 03, 2005

Who'll be MC? in "Master of Ceremonies", not "Malay College" (boooo).

OK, I realise that this blog starts off assuming... sorry... PREsuming that everyone knows what's going to happen next year. Actually, the blog is not meant to be a detailed website on OBW 2006 (there are plans for another dedicated site), but a journal tracking the preparations for the weekend. As such, finer details on the event may or may not be posted here (but they will definitely be published somewhere and even if it's not on obw2006.blogspot, we'll have links to it).

In the spirit of blogging, this blog is meant to be an alternate site; a fun chronicle of the organisers' journey. It's all part of raising awareness for OBW2006 amongst our batch and other STARians. Perhaps junior batches may even use it as a guide for what (and what NOT) to do when organising future OBWs. At the very least, it'll be something that we can read and look back on with fondess in the years to come: nostalgia fodder, in a nutshell.

On to the subject matter of this posting...

One of the things we discussed at our meeting on Saturday was whom we could get to host the weekend's events. It was agreed that the host's duties would extend beyond emceeing the Grand Dinner: he/she would be conducting events for the greater part of the Main Day (which normally falls on a Saturday).

In this regard, a couple of names were bandied about, and it was not at all surprising that they belonged to hot babes (it IS a "boys" weekend after all):

Candidate No.1: Marion Caunter

You may know Marion as one of the hosts of 8tv's Quickie, the short programme that acts as a kind of filler between prime-time shows. According to the NST, Marion has English, Portugese and Chinese blood and is a Penang girl. She had been voted as one of FHM's sexiest women of the year. She also looks good in a baju kebaya (I know this because the theme of TV3's kad raya, which I received last year, was Artis-artis Cun Memakai Kebaya), but that is besides the point. How good will she be as a MC? None of us who attended the meeting had ever seen her perform "live". She seems quite chirpy and bubbly on TV, but that may not be a good enough indicator of how she will be on stage, especially in front of hundreds of wolf-whistling, infantile, testosteroney schoolboys (and we're not even talking about the kids currently enrolled at the school).

Candidate No.2: Daphne Iking

Daphne's the host of TV3's Explorace series. She's a Sabahan, and believe it or not, went to school in Canterbury in Kent (apa lagi Kama, great potential for pick-up lines there). Now, with Daphne, some of us at the meeting actually did get to see her in action at corporate events and apparently, she was excellent. If she can fend off buaya directors and cranky reality-show contestants, I'm sure she can handle STAR boys with ease.

So who shall it be? It is purely coincidental that both of the girls are attached to a Certain Private Television Network, but hey, we don't see any difficulties in getting either of them to do our gig (we'll pay lah, of course: we don't want to abuse our relationship with Management of Certain Private Television Network). Based purely on track record, the clear choice of those at the meeting was Daphne Iking. What do YOU think? Comments please!

Of course, if we can't get Iking due to scheduling conflicts, there's always I.King:

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Anonymous said...

Hahaha...yes Don..when Czar mentioned Big Boobs immediately aku teringat kat Adibah Noor...definitely value for money...3 in 1 (MC/good singer/comedian)

Anonymous said...

So mana dia minit mesyuarat hari tu. I think u guys should update berita, progress, and info regularly either through this or emails. Kesian ler kami kat luar ni,

Anyway, did u guys get my mail on the collar pin thing?


Anonymous said...

che' Man... it's 4 in one ... MC/singer/comedian/lady with big boobs ... marion and iking kena bawak jugak .. mana tau boleh kena lelong (charity auction - not those Ottoman empire punya kind of lelong you dirty bastards) and duduk kat meja for those who bid the highest.

Anonymous said...

Che Man,

Raise your standards lah!

Anonymous said...

Biggest boobs get the job!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'd go with Adibah Noor coz i know her personally. She used to play keyboards in my band.