Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Total Eclipse

During our time at school, there was a burst of new sounds and shows on TV which in some way, came to define our glory days - the Grammy Award Show ('first-to-view' on Malaysian TV), which acquainted us to The Police and Bonnie Tyler; MacGyver; The A-Team; and many more. (Of course, I could talk about the rise of a new channel and how it has come full circle and how A-Team is re-running of the air, but this is not about that).
One song wiffed through my mind last Saturday evening, when 14 guys of our batch met over tea (kurang manis) and fried mee (dengan telur mata kerbau - cepat sikit, OK!?).
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you want to go

Where everybody knows your name,

(insert record scratch sound)

Eh, siapa ni, huh?

Takkan tak ingat?

Sekejap, jap.

Sama-sama kat sekolah kena tangkap ... (insert typical naughty schoolboy incident).

Ahh, OK, ... (insert school nickname)!

La, rupa kau dan lain la / La, rupa tak ubah sikit pun, macam dulu jugak.

Mintak business card.

(press Play again)
and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see,

our troubles are all the same

You wanna be where everybody knows

Your name

So to those who we haven't seen for ages, who have yet to surface, yes, do come around. Our troubles are all the same. We would forget for a moment, but we will remember forever.


Anonymous said...

kat mana tu. Azrul minum Carlsberg ke?

Anonymous said...

To U, Zahir
And to everyone else...

Memories remain n never can go away...

Anonymous said...

hi guys,
kenapa gambar tu kecik sgt..nak tgk & kenal balik kengkawan lama pun tak berapa nampak...may be mata pun dah rabun.

z said...

Teh ais limau, mana ada jual macam tu kat NZ. Gambar kecik aje, sebab kalau besar, nampak kedut dan bekas parut dan macam-macam lagi. Kalau betul-betul nak kenal balik, kena la datang next time orang buat gathering....

Yang comment-comment ni siapa?

Anonymous said...

Another song that would be relevant : Get Here (If You Can) - Oleta Adams.

z said...

Well, Get Here came out in 1990, so it's a song of another decade [good for Karaoke - to see whether you can master the vocal gymnastics of the last stanza before the final reprise - but I digress].

It's a bit too jiwang ... unless you really do miss them that much ....

Anonymous said...

Waiting for updates........after the World Cup , maybe?